Facility  Manager



■ 具体的な経験の内容
Facility / Security manage building projects by delivering cost effective solutions to meet top management CTQ's and by ensuring compliance with applicable codes and specifications. Meet project objectives by balancing scope of work, schedule, cost and quality projects. Develop, track and control capital expense budgets and schedules for projects and leading a matrixed team for optimized services for the protection of people and assets, and for enhancing business growth by maintaining world-class buildings for customers and employees and includes ongoing monitoring of existing security/CM processes, identify gaps and plan to close, conducting facility audits, ensure GE personnel are secure while traveling to high risk locations, and developing global intelligence gathering system.
■ 実績や成果
 Completed FOP (Facility Optimization Project) as planned. Delivered cost saving ZERO Incident during the construction, -2 MM property cost out, -25 Bay reduction (28 =>3), -30 t wasted through 5S and -691 t GHG and leading people's behavior change, such as +1000 employees engaged the project, +33 Project Members Organized, + 10 AWOs Next Generation Work Style Change and +6 News Letters. Facility Metrics also improved such as FCI (Facility Condition Index) -20% reduction, +28%, space efficiency improvement, +39% utility cost / 1 employee improved. On the other hand, employee satisfaction resulted in 44% which is relatively low in comparison with former 2 renovation projects such as 2010 4F Hikari Project 67% and 2014 Yoshikawa Exit Project including HCIT free address 56% respectively. This achievement was awarded as 2016 total year CEO Award.
■ そのときの課題、その課題をどう乗り越えたか

■ 業界構造(トレンド/主要プレイヤー/バリューチェーン等)の知見の有無
■ 関連する論文やブログ等があればURL
■ お役にたてそうと思うご相談分野

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¥30,000 / 1時間

