


- Taking a lot of sales activities spontaneously in the energy and environment sectors. With the expertise in those sectors and analysis of recent trends, figured out the business or industrial outlook and potentials to develop market-leading projects.
- Created business expansion strategies utilizing financial assistance programs from the government such as Yen Loan and Private Sector Investment Finance from Japan International Cooperation Association, buyer’s credit from Japan Bank for International Cooperation and insurance products from Nippon Export and Investment Insurance.
- Published reports in a range of media as an analyst or columnist regarding hydrogen technologies to be interviewed by a foreign organizations such as Bloomberg and Embassy from a country. Gained public recognition and introduced by a professor at National University and its research center.
- Adding to Hydrogen issues, made speeches regarding the liberalization of the electricity retail sector and regional electricity utilities at a private and government conference. Increased company’s brand or client’s royalty through those external activities.
- Directly appointed by the client’s CEO or Vice Presidents, initiated a negotiation with foreign governments and companies to introduce photovoltaic systems or develop independent power producer business. Made presentations in board conferences and acquired letters of interest with their signatures.
- Currently leading business strategy formulation and technical sales for a foreign solid cell manufacturer.
- As another ongoing project, establishing a decarbonization strategy for a Japanese electrical equipment manufacturer utilizing hydrogen/ammonia

どちらでご経験されましたか?: ・フリーランス経営コンサルタント
いつごろ、何年くらいご経験されましたか?: 2011年から現在
その時どのような立場や役割でしたか?: ・プロジェクトリーダーとして、顧客に対する戦略案件の企画提案及び関係性構築(国内外の政府機関・民間企業とのネットワークを保持)
得意な分野・領域はなんですか?: 領域

誇りに思う成果はなんでしたか?: 経済産業省が主導する水素・燃料電池戦略協議会の事務局を2015年から2016年の2年間にわたり支援すると同時に、複数の民間企業や地方公共団体から関連するプロジェクトを受注し、それらの経験や人脈を活用して講演・執筆・取材対応を多数行い国内外にて業界有識者としての認知を確立した。たとえば、Bloombergからの取材を受けたり、国内有名大学の教授や大使館からの紹介で、海外政府機関・企業からアドバイザーに就任することを依頼されたことがある。
この分野は今後どうなると思いますか?: 国内では予想を上回るスピードで再生可能エネルギーの導入や、水素社会の実現に向けた政策支援が進むことから、系統負荷の逓減と低炭素化を狙ったPower-to-gas技術の導入が進み、関連するアプリケーションの開発も引き続き行われていく。また、米国がパリ協定から脱退することを好機とし、日本を含み他国では円借款等の政府支援スキームを活用した再生可能エネルギー・新エネルギー関連技術の海外展開が加速する。
地域: 東京・インドネシア・フィリピン
役割: 海外案件開発マネジャー・プロジェクトリーダーとして案件を統括・遂行
規模: 法人立ち上げから大企業の事業展開まで経験

プロフィール 詳細を見る




【2. コンサルタント活用に関するノウハウ】

【3. 個人事業主としての事業運営・法人設立(起業)に対するノウハウ】



An expert in the energy sector, with a domain focus on new and renewable technology, as well as a corporate manager delivering management consulting services teaming up with freelance consultants.
Also, with experience to found the company after serving as a self-employed, able to talk about steps and tips of business operation at each stage.

1. Expertise in hydrogen and fuel cells
As a prominent expert in the energy sector, especially in new and renewable technology -- such as hydrogen/fuel cells, ammonia, and battery -- have worked with governments and companies across the globe. Abundant experience in article contributions, lectures, interviews, and advisory experiences regarding energy issues and industry trends.
Engaged in research, strategic formulation, and execution support during 7+ years of experience in the largest management consulting firm in Japan, in which acquired rich insights and demonstrated success in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells. At the heavy industry manufacturer on temporary assignment, had a chance to introduce a new energy system to overseas government officials. After belonging to a UK-based biotech startup, led business strategy formulation and technical sales for a foreign solid cell manufacturer and a major electrical equipment manufacturer; these experiences expanded domain insight even further.

2. Knowledge to leverage the potential of external consultants
Lance Consulting Inc., founded in December 2021, is delivering consulting services in various domains from business development to system integration, thanks to our partnered consultants (around 30 members available; as of July 2022) in and outside Japan.
It’s our honor to receive a high evaluation in every consulting project, which provides renewal contracts. Abundant knowledge has been accumulated on how to utilize consultants for miscellaneous management matters; from real-world experience not limited to delivery of projects, but also talent acquisition, quality management, contract negotiation, etc.

3. Tips for business operation as a freelance & enterprise manager
Started a business after working as a corporate consultant, followed by a self-employed management consultant. At each point, learned how to properly deal with various issues in business operations.
Please reach out to matters such as contract negotiation, working conditions, or incorporation. Able to provide insights on the landscape of the freelance consultants market as well.

Focused industries:
Environment, Energy(especially in hydrogen/fuel cells, ammonia, and battery), Public sectors, Manufacturing(auto & material), Finance(securities & insurance), AI/robots, Others(biotech, medical, FMCG, logistics)
Solution expertise:
Strategic consulting(strategy formulation, overseas expansion, market/technology research, financial/marketing analysis, SCM reforms)
Operation consulting(PMO, work-flow analysis, system integration, DX promotion)
Business development(business planning, negotiation, incorporation, PMO, technology evaluation)



  • 2021/12 - 現在


  • 2019/6 - 2021/11


  • 2018/7 - 2020/3


  • 2018/4 - 2019/12


  • 海外案件開発マネジャー 2017/7 - 2019/3


  • 2016/4 - 2018/3


¥30,000 / 1時間

