


どちらでご経験されましたか?: Nimble Storage Japan
いつごろ、何年くらいご経験されましたか?: 2016/8-現在
その時どのような立場や役割でしたか?: 関西エリアの責任者として、尚且つ現場中心で実際にプランとアクションを繰り返す
得意な分野・領域はなんですか?: IT、IoT

プロフィール 詳細を見る


Work for getting capabilities of new and innovative technologies.
Work for encouraging and expanding these to Japanese market.
In order to realize it, I have to generate a career in a global IT company.

I have been working for Software and Hardware companies such like HP and SAP, Hitachi as sale and presales role. Anyway, my strength is high motivation about Innovative and New technologies and products, services like Mobile / IoT / AI and any other new one.

Now, my capability is especially about Machine Learning, Mobile solutions & Platform as a Service (HANA Cloud Platform / HCP). It's not only for consumer, but also for enterprise company.

Enterprise mobile trend is not generally yet, I think (in my experience). But I believe Enterprise mobile tremendous market will absolutely be coming until year 2018 (What I am saying about Enterprise mobile is real profitability and entertainment for user and consumer by mobility technologies). So I want to do continuously the business of Enterprise mobility and on Platform as a Service.

・IoT Professional coordinator
・Information Technology Passport
・MCPC Mobile Technology
・Marketing Business Practice


Nimble Storage

  • Resional Sales Director


¥30,000 / 1時間

