


AdviNow (Paradise Valley, AZ) 2016-Current
CEO and Founder
Automated Medical Diagnostic System in Urgent Care network that dramatically reduces cost and overhead. Invented technology, hired team and implementing system.

Freescale Semiconductor (Tempe, AZ) 2012-2016
Senior Vice President
Head of Analog and Sensor Group with $900M/Yr of revenue and 800 employees from Design, Test, Marketing, Applications, Product Engineering. Section 16 officer and member of CEO staff.
¬ Products – All Analog/Mixed Signal and Sensor products (including MEMS (Gyro, Accel, Pressure, Magnetic), Sensor Interface, Power Management, High Voltage and RF mixed signal)
¬ Created and executed a turnaround plan
o Increased GM%, EBIT, DW$ to historic Freescale/Motorola record
o Improved gross margin by 15% points while growing revenue 25%
o Controlled costs to flat while executing margin and growth plan leading to record profitability
o Created roadmap in each product line and moved average NPI Gross Margin to 60%
o Led new process technologies for Unified MEMS and low cost power management, low power
o Reduced attrition from 15% to 3%
o Successfully executed a culture change for design excellence leading to 50% reduction in development time, 70% design win closure and high reputation for support
o Hired and mentored a completely new management team across design, marketing, product definition
¬ Repaired and recovered key tier one relationships leading to long term revenue growth partnerships
¬ Created corporate strategy for Analog and Sensor bundle sale with Freescale Micro product groups
¬ Led corporate wide Gross Margin Improvement plans leading to 7% improvement over 2 years.

Maxim Integrated Products (Sunnyvale, CA) 2007-2012
Vice President and General Manager
Head of Signal Processing and Conversion Group with 4 independent P&Ls totaling over $260M/Yr of revenue and 220 employees from Design, Test, Marketing, Applications, Product Engineering
¬ Products – ADCs, DACs, OP Amps, Human

いつごろ、何年くらいご経験されましたか?: 1998年から現在
どちらでご経験されましたか?: NXP/Freescale シニアバイスプレジデント 3万人規模の会社
Maxim Integrated バイスプレジデント 1万5千人規模の会社
Silicon Labs バイスプレジデント 5千人規模の会社
Lucent Technology 部長 10万人規模の会社
その時どのような立場や役割でしたか?: 800人のデザインチーム、テスト、マーケティング、アプリケーションエンジニアグループでの製造管理、収益性と売上総利益の成長記録のために導く指示を行っていました。
Freescale Officer and CEO staff position with a team of 800 design, test, marketing, applications and manufacturing management in group that led to record growth in revenue, profitability and gross margin.
Successfully drove start-ups from concept to revenue at Freescale, Maxim and Silicon Labs
Founded all Asian offices for Silicon Labs
Founded Medical device company at AdviNow.
一番誇りに思う成果はなんでしたか?: フリースケールで売上総利益率20 パーセント・ポイントの主導増加。
Led increase of 20 points in gross margins at Freescale that was directly translated to EBIT
Defined product differentiation that led to fast growth and high profitability at Maxim and Freescale
Reduced product development time over 50% at Maxim and Freescale
Founded Asian team and grew revenue from $10M to $315M in Silicon Labs
一番の課題はなんでしたか?また、その課題をどう乗り越えましたか?: フリースケールのアナログ・センサー・グループでは、低収益でチームの士気も最低な苦しい時期がありましたが、 3年後、このグループは非常に高い士気を保てるようになり、すべての利益目標を達成し、企業の中で大きな改善を成し遂げました。
Freescale Analog and Sensor group suffered years of low profitability and as a result, low morale in the team. 3 years later, the group was one of the few to meet all targets and showed the most dramatic improvement in the company leading to very low turnover and high morale.
どんな人にアドバイスを提供したいですか?: 会社を海外に展開するためにアドバイスを探している方。明確な事業計画、販売と市場浸透計画との差別化技術を探している方。合併や買収、外国と日本の事業活動に関わる全ての方々。この機会に、日本と海外のビジネスの収益性の転換を探している方。
People looking for advice on expanding internationally. People looking to create clear business plans and differentiated technologies with sales and market penetration plans. People involved in mergers and acquisitions foreign and Japanese business. People looking for a turnaround in profitability in Japanese and Foreign businesses.
この分野は今後どうなると思いますか?: 半導体市場は、いくつかの統合された大きな企業と、ニッチな企業にわかれています。
The semiconductor market will consolidate into a few big players and then niche players. For Japan semi players to be successful, they will need scale and clear differentiation to be used worldwide. We expect this trend to also exist in the high technology market overall.
謝礼金額の根拠はなんですか?: 通常ヨーロッパとアメリカ市場では、1時間$500(約55,000 $1=¥110)でこの仕事をお受けしています。その他の詳しい金額についてはいつでも御相談下さい。
I charge $500/hr in the US and Europe market for my expertise. I am willing to discuss the fee if needed to adjust to the Japanese Market.

プロフィール 詳細を見る


フリースケールで売上総利益率20 パーセント・ポイントの主導増加。



  • CEO

フリースケール (Freescale/NXP)

  • 上級副社長 2012/9 - 2015/12

マキシム・インテグレーテッド (Maxim Integrated )

  • 副社長・ゼネラルマネージャー 2007/8 - 2012/7

シリコン・ラボラトリーズ (Silicon Laboratories)

  • 副社長・アジア事業/日本株式会社社長 2001/7 - 2007/8

ルーセント・テクノロジーズベル研究所 (Lucent Technologies Bell Labs)

  • 研究デザインエンジニア 1998/8 - 2001/8


¥50,000 / 1時間

