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【SaaSビジネスディベロップメント 2017年~現職】
メディアエンタテインメント業界におけるコンテンツ制作配信事業者むけのソリューションビジネス企画実行。撮影、編集などメディアプロセス、アーカイブ、配信とマネタイズに至る、ワークフローエコシステム構築と、自社SaaSのリカーリングビジネスの成長と収益化実現。欧米の主要放送局、ニュース専門局、スポーツコンテンツ事業者などの主要顧客に対し、コンテンツ価値向上と制作プロセス効率化を提供価値とする、課題解決型ソリューションビジネスを実行している。サービス企画、開発、カスタマーサクセス、ビジネスディベロップメント、パートナーアライアンスを統括部長(Director and GM)として統括する。

【パートナーアライアンス 2011年~2016年】

【新規ビジネス立ち上げ 2006年~2010年】4Kデジタルシネマ上映用プロジェクターの北米市場導入のため、商品企画、標準化団体との機器仕様策定交渉、ハリウッドメジャースタジオの機器承認獲得、映画館による機器採用のための販売促進活動計画実行、システムインテグレーターへの技術サポート、技術付与及び提供のためのライセンス契約推進、カスタマーサポート体制構築など、プロダクトマネジメントを軸足にした広汎な側面から製品導入活動を統括。

Strategic alliance, business development, product management and marketing with 25-year experience in multiple vertical industry segments; Media & Entertainment, Corporate, Healthcare and Education. Effective leader skilled in managing business and technology professionals both on project basis and within an operational business unit. The latest engagement is focused on media production solution business development for media business operators, HDR format standardization, XAVC format launch (H.264 10bit for professional use) and 4K Digital Cinema Projector deployment in the US market with the following specific activities included.

- Business development for cloud-based solution for media business operators (broadcast stations, productions and OTT operators)
- Develop new business leveraging the latest technologies with outstanding achievements track record (5G and MEC, AI, Cloud, HDR, 4K, IP image transmission, Image Compression).
- Manage business portfolio to grow profitable and sustainable
- Work out effective alliance and partner strategy including technology license scheme (image file format, color space and pixel processing and web service API), technological development support and revenue share scheme
- Launch and grow partner community including activities such as organizing annual partner conference, hosting community website and fostering sand box developer support environment.
- Take industry’s leadership to foster eco-system for best quality content production and delivery with strong commitment to standardization body and industry’s forum.
- Negotiate and close complicated license agreement and provide appropriate support for partner companies’ technological development and channel partnership
- Due diligence partner company candidates and work out alliance portfolio
- Always be a go-to-person for more than 150 partner companies in media entertainment industry including Apple, Adobe, Netflix, Technicolor, Deluxe and major media industry’s vendors.
- Plan and execute marketing campaign to promote new content creation technologies and products to marketplace in collaboration with partners with successful track record such as HD24P promotion with Lucas Film and numbers of outstanding film makers, 4K Digital Cinema promotion with Hollywood Studios and major theatre chains (AMC and Regal Cinemas) and Telco (NTT) and HDR promotion with Sky Group on global basis, BBC and NHK.
- Work out media relation strategy to maximize company’s message to deliver to marketplace.
- Plan and manage event for marketing, public relations and partnership development.
- Plan and project manage content production mainly for company’s demo reel
- Brand strategy and execution for new business and alliance (as an inventor of brands such as 4K HDR, XAVC, IP Live, SR Live, XDCAM air)
- Work and communicate as an effective leader to coordinate cross-functional organization both of business and technology
- Have a good understanding of technology to be a good communicator to interact engineer team so they can understand market requirement and develop right product and solution
- Participate in technological negotiation with industry standardization body such as UHDF, AIMS, SMPTE, DCI and ISDCF
- Obtain Hollywood studios acceptance of products and technologies
- Plan and implement product promotion for customer’s employment of products
- Structure and build customer support operation



  • Director and Department Head 2021/3 - 現在
  • 統括部長 2017/1 - 2021/3
  • Deputy General Manager 2015/4 - 2016/12
  • Senior Manager 2011/1 - 2015/4


  • Manager 2006/4 - 2010/12



¥50,000 / 1時間

