1983 I joined TOSHIBA as an engineer for VCR(Video circuit). 1991 I moved to Singapore to be a member for Joint Venture company with Thomson. I worked for several Project with Thomson members. After back to Japan, I was assigned as leader for new category Products. During this period I designed VCD for China and SEA. for me this was one of the most exciting project. Then after VCR I moved to TV division to plan the new category products like FPD. During this period I experienced a lot of marketing Job, especially Product planning. 2005 to 2008 my station was Shanghai(China) to find local fit specification and feedback to Japan to make TOSHIBA No.1 in China.
After back to Japan, I worked for Europe , NA and SCA for TV product planning.
After TV, moved to WM division then I worked for Egypt PJ as a Project manager.
after retirement from TOSHIBA, I moved to IRIS OHYAMA Inc. In IRIS I was working for digital products mainly.
In IRIS most of digital products was quite new products, it means no experience before, that why i worked hard and created new division.
However due to the age , I decided to resign IRIS.
電気通信大学卒業後、株式会社東芝に入社。海外向ビデオ設計に従事。約8年経験した後、仏トムソン社との合弁会社(在シンガポール)に5年間出向し、ビデオ開発設計共同PJに参画する。日本に帰国後は、主に新規商品開発のプロジェクトリーダの業務に従事。 ビデオ事業収束後はテレビ事業に異動し、AV系商品に精通。その後、海外テレビ商品企画リーダに異動。この間中国・上海に駐在し、現地からローカルフィット商品の発掘・提案を担当。 海外テレビ事業終息後は、家電事業に異動。洗濯機のエジプトへの製造移管プロジェクトのプロジェクトマネージャを担当。