Thank you for your visit and firstly, I would like to introduce our company. We are quality-oriented Japanese solar panel maker and have two facilities in Japan. They are in Tochigi, and Fukushima newly opened in this July with the latest equipment for solar panel assembly. Our internal production capacity comes now more than 200MW/an. right now with further expansion rooms to 400 to 500MW. Pls visit our company HP( URL : https://infinigroup.co.jp/en/ ) where you can find more information on our company.
Inauguration of Fukushima factory report : http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclen/news_en/15mk/071101448/?ST=msbe
One important notice is that our capacity is now fully booked for this year. We will be able to offer you our capacity from Q1 2018. Pls keep this in mind. Therefore, I am sorry that we cannot offer you our price for the time being since the price has been fluctuating a lot time to time due to the availability of silicon cells.
Next, our current product lines are
Mono :
JPS-285M-60-A, JPS-290M-60-A, JPS-295M-60-A, JPS-300M-60-A, JPS-355M-72-A Poly :
JPS-270P-60-A, JPS-275P-60-A, JPS-320P-72-A, JPS-325P-72-A. If you need data sheet, pls let me know.
We will add PERC module in our product lines next year.
We do not have any inventory now in Europe but until we are ready to have our own inventories in Europe, we can offer you a consignment stock in your warehouse to support you. This is one of proposal we can make right now. I believe we are one of good candidates of your business partner and have many options to do with you to develop mutual business expansion and create win-win situation.
We are not in a hurry because our products are fully booked this year but If you are interested in our products and company, I am pleased to talk with you and start setting up trip schedule to your location very early 2018.
Very Best Regards
Mitsuru Imanaka