


輸出8割の大阪の中堅メーカーの海外営業部にて12年勤務 数々のリーダー職を歴任
南太平洋諸島国家 政府系機関の大口案件獲得 40人の治安当局職員に技術指導を行う

どちらでご経験されましたか?: アイコム株式会社 海外営業部
いつごろ、何年くらいご経験されましたか?: 2003年4月 〜 2007年5月
その時どのような立場や役割でしたか?: 海外営業部員として、海外販売店との交渉、受注、新規開拓を行いました。
得意な分野・領域はなんですか?: 通信機器の海外営業

プロフィール 詳細を見る


I am fluent in speaking English as I lived in LA from age of
11 to 15 and went to local public schools.
Coming back to Japan from the US, I joined a high school in Kobe,
and went on to one of the best national universities in Japan.

Recruited by a world renowned Japanese manufacture whose
products are mainly for export purpose.
(more than 80% of production was for overseas market)

Promoted and assigned to work in Melbourne branch in 2007 to be
2nd in charge of the subsidiary sales office of 24 staff.

After working in Melbourne Australia for more than 7 years as
Business Planning Manager, I came back to Osaka at end of 2014.
Just recently I left the manufacture which I worked for more
than 12 years in the Export Sales Dept.
(including the years in Melbourne)

Now I am an independent overseas marketing consultant.
For Japanese clients, I help and support them to sell their
products to the world market. For clients looking into coming
to Japan market, I assist them (both online and meeting in
person) explore the market, find the right partners, and
register their business here.
I often become a business tour guide in Osaka for those
who contact me from abroad.



  • 代表取締役 2017/5 - 現在

Masa Consulting International

  • Director 2015/9 - 現在


  • 海外営業部 2015/1 - 2015/7
  • 海外営業部 2003/4 - 2007/5

Icom (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

  • Business Planning Manager 2007/6 - 2014/12



¥30,000 / 1時間

