Security & Crisis Management(SCM) Manager
¥30,000~■ 具体的な経験の内容 Security manage 6 types of scope – Physical Security Access Control, Regulatory Compliance, Vulnerability Assessment, Incident Management, ERP/BCP, Travel Assistance Providing general oversight of and guidance on the security operations for the sites, to include advising on guard services, access control, crisis management and life safety operations. Undertaking security missions and crisis management support roles and providing security support for special events as required and/or directed by the GEHC Global Security Operations. Building and maintaining an effective working relationship with key national and regional law enforcement and security agencies and professional security organizations. Establishing procedures for the operation of facilities electronic ID and access security system. In conjunction with local Facilities Management, implementing and ensuring ongoing maintenance of control processes to ensure appropriate security systems and procedures are in place Leading regional security efforts supporting GE Corporate SCM self-assessment requirements as directed by the GEHC Global Security Operations Conducting comprehensive risk and site vulnerability assessments to identify deficiencies and provide recommendations for the protection of employees and to prevent financial loss, damage, or business interruptions. ■ 実績や成果 Awarded 2016 Q3 CEO Award for SCM Case in the Kumamoto-Oita Earthquake that occurred in April 2016, through organized and transported relief supplies to the local area, accurately responded to calls from customers in the disaster area, and responded to customer support in the local area at the top priority, devoting efforts from creating the system on the local side to implementing it. ■ そのときの課題、その課題をどう乗り越えたか ■ 業界構造(トレンド/主要プレイヤー/バリューチェーン等)の知見の有無 ■ 関連する論文やブログ等があればURL ■ お役にたてそうと思うご相談分野